Chef Zhang (Our Chief Chef and Restaurant Owner) came from Sichuan, China. He has been a Chef for 35 years now. Before he came to California, he has been the Chief Chef for numbers of big name restaurants in China, and he was also a teacher and mentor of many outstanding and famous chef in China. He is one true heir of traditional Chinese dinning culture. With all his passions, he hopes to bring you the authentic and delicious Sichuan Cuisine. 
張師傳 (他既是本店的大廚,也是老板) 來自中國四川省成都市,他從事餐飲工作己有三十五年。他不僅曾在中國大型餐飲公司和高級賓館擔任大廚,更曾從事烹飪教學工作。他是中國傳統川菜的傳承者,懷抱熱誠希望能為大家泡制真正的川菜美食。